Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Yes. The title seems a little crazy.
Some of you might swear to the contrary.
Some of you might pat my back and tell me that isn't so.
Some of you don't even care.

But if someone asked me to describe my life,
at this stage,
that would pretty much sumarize it all.

Those three areas are the most important areas of my life.

* Tho love God with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my might,
and to love my neighbor, as Christ commanded.
(but try as I might, I keep missing the mark; 
there are so many things clouding my mind, 
and my soul, and my spirit, that there's little room to
accomplish such task)

* To love my husband; to truly be his help meet; 
to grow in love, dedication and devotion to him;
to treasure him as the most precious, rare and
unmistakable gift God could ever give me.
(but I'm afraid I take him for granted; daily;
I allow routine and busyness to grab hold of me,
and I neglect to nurture our friendship,
our love, our unity)

* To love and nurture the three boys God has placed under my care;
to raise them to be strong men, who love God, are friends of Jesus,
love but one woman and follow the steps of their earthy father and 
become as good fathers to their own kids,
 as their father has been to them; or even better -if that's even possible!
(but I know for sure that everyday I allow the cleaning
of the house, the laundry, the cooking, the drawer organizing,
the reading, the thinking and the philosophical search for
nothingness to pull me away from them; it's so easy to send them off 
to their imaginary plays, where they fight dragons and knights and one 
or two misplaced ninjas, all to rescue a damsel in distress,
just so I can pick my toe nails, -or finish an online argument
with someone I don't even know about something I don't even
really care for- just to prove my point.

Hence the title.

You will get a rare glimpse to the real me;
emphasis on real;
not the one that puts forth a smile,
straightens her hair, takes a deep breath
and acts like everything is under control.

You'll get to see the broken one,
the insecure one, the tired one,
the almost-always-at-the-brink-of-tears one.

The one that almost every night
-and sometimes early morning-
falls down,  face flat on the groud,
at the feet of The Cross, 
and begs
"have mercy on me"
and eagerly awaits 'til
The Master wishpers
"My Grace is enough"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie--I'm not sure how to, exactly, "follow" your blog -- but I guess I am!
    I skimmed through, no time to read all you've written just now, but I will. I love you. Your insights are inspirational, as you always are. Keep it up!
